WE Connect brings health resources to East Coachella families

A health care resource fair in Coachella was held to inform residents about their health care options under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  The traveling event, called WE Connect, has visited communities across the state, but has special significance for the East Coachella Valley region, where 25 percent of residents live below the poverty line and make less than $7,000 annually.  “There are over 30,000 residents in the Coachella Valley who qualify but are not enrolled for low cost or no cost insurance, like Medi-Cal, and the majority reside in the Eastern Coachella Valley.” The attendees brought their most pressing issues and sought help with insurance enrollment and other venues for health assistance.  Read the story on Coachella Unincorporated.WE Cpmmect


My natural hair journey


Coachella High students open to dialogue on Arab mascot