The Inventor Is In: The Nashville Children’s Hospital With A Mobile Makerspace

All around the country, computer hackers, artists, and other do-it-yourselfers are meeting up in “makerspaces,” to share tools and build cool stuff together, like robots or musical instruments. Makerspaces are popping up in all sorts of places: school auditoriums, libraries, under tents at community festivals, and now, even at the hospital. The space is a metal cart filled with the equipment and materials you would need for small-scale engineering projects. “On the cart. I am looking at flashing lights and colorful drawers’ full of circuits, wires, play-doh – and a huge white 3D printer.” The story from a hospital in Nashville, was featured on NPR's All Tech Considered, and comes from Youth Radio.



Change Gon' Come


YMCA opens new community center in Tahoe Park