“Mulan” On VOD: How Disney Is Failing The Heroine And Representation

“Mulan” premiered on Disney+ this month, and fans were less than ecstatic. The film comes with controversy, from the lead actress’ support for the Hong Kong police to the steep paywall guarding the movie. “Asians around the world could have had their ‘Black Panther’ moment – a monumental moment – but they are being denied that. Yes, ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ happened, but an all-Asian cast leading a romantic comedy is different from an all-Asian cast leading a war / action-adventure film. It’s a feat we’ve yet to see in American cinema, and it would have shown that yes, Asians can hold their own in this genre too,” said Johnsen Del Rosario, a writer at The kNOw. Read his full commentary at The kNOw.


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